The 5 Best England Jerseys of All Time

Football is the undisputed king of sports in England, and more broadly the world. Over 3 billion people from all around the globe follow the events of the sport with a passion unrivaled by any other sports fan. And it doesn’t just stop at watching matches either. Following the careers of players, purchasing jerseys, growing interested in future exchanges. All of this and more encapsulates what it means to be a fan of football. 

The Success of England’s Clubs

When it comes to success and popularity, it is hard to find a country with more of either than England. The English Premier League is the most watched national football league in the world. The English national team may not have had great luck on the World Cup, but they are still ranked in the top 5 European national football teams. Not to mention, England is also home to some of the world’s most popular football clubs.

Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal, Manchester City and more are names that appear on every football fan’s lips when discussing the greatest clubs in the world. And these clubs have certainly earned their reputation. Taking a look at the countless sports betting apps and websites, we can see that these teams are consistently ranked in the top echelon, with the odds always in their favor. Bettors are far more likely to place their free bets on the aforementioned clubs than on anything else, because it almost guarantees a quick buck. 

And certainly, what propels these guys to the top is the skill of their players, management, and coaches. However, with their popularity comes a certain degree of scrutiny. You wouldn’t think football fans would care about fashion. But, the truth is, jerseys are a hugely important part of football culture. So, in this article, we would like to give the top 5 best jerseys that England has ever seen. Let’s see football fashion done right. 

Bournemouth FC

It would be a lie to say that Bournemouth FC have impressed this season. While certainly a marked improvement from last year (they didn’t even compete in the Premier League last season), they still remain in the bottom echelon of clubs, coming in at 14 place in the rankings. Thus far, they’ve only won 4 matches, and lost in 7. However, while their game might not be on top, their fashion sense certainly deserves to be commended.

Bournemouth brought their A-game in the jersey department. The slick, scarlet calls up a sort of foreboding, generating the sense that the team ought to be feared. But it doesn’t end there. Black, lightning-shaped patterns decorate the jersey, calling to mind images of fast footballers, ready to strike at any second. It’s a real shame that Bournemouth couldn’t live up to the image their jerseys conjure. 

Wolverhampton FC

The Wolverhampton Wolves are dead last in the Premier League. On top of that, their jersey has been getting quite a bit of flack. It is a plain yellow shirt, with the club’s sponsor displayed across the chest. But, at the risk of going against the grain, we’d like to come out in support of the Wolves’ design.

Sure, it isn’t as intricate as Bournemouth’s, and certainly not the best Wolves jersey of all time. However, there is a sort of charm to it. It is simplicity itself. A yellow shirt with black patterns, and the wolf logo on the left uppermost corner. Sure, we wish the sponsor wouldn’t take up most of the shirt. But, for what it is, the jersey is not bad at all. The black and yellow go well together, and carry the otherwise plain-looking shirt. 

Liverpool FC

Speaking of simplicity, Liverpool came out with a rather interesting design this time around. A red shirt with a few logos at the front is all they brought us. At first, you would think the shirt a lazy design. However, upon closer inspection many have grown attached to the simplicity of it all. No garish designs, no unnecessary padding. The Liverpool FC jersey is something we could see any person on the street purchasing and wearing without trouble. 

The one criticism we could give is that it suffers from the same problem the Wolverhampton jersey does. Namely, the awful sponsor logo splayed across the chest. Now, we understand that football clubs have to support their sponsors. But, that doesn’t mean we won’t criticize a garish design. Still, the logo doesn’t detract much, and some have even argued that it goes well with the simplistic design of the jersey. 

Crystal Palace FC

If you were getting tired from all that simplicity, you are really going to love the Crystal Palace jersey for this season. Combining the red and blue of the team’s colors, the Crystal Palace jersey looks more like a modern piece of art than a jersey. Squiggly lines of red and blue trace down the shirt, whose rims are pure white. Some might find this a bit garish. 

But garish or not, it works. The team can certainly pull it off on the field. The jersey conjures up images of a crazed artist, going to town on his canvas. And whether the design is good or not, we like the chaotic, almost liberating nature of the jersey.

Arsenal FC

We would be remised if we didn’t bring up Arsenal in this article. The club has had a history of high-quality jerseys. The amazing design always ensures that the shirt will look like something you might want to wear in and out of the stadium. And their design for the 2022/23 season is no different. 

A white collar, decorated by a zig-zag pattern adorns a red shirt with white sleeves. The colors match perfectly, and serve to embolden the club’s logo, situated at the upper left. Like all the rest, the jersey carries the logo of Arsenal’s sponsors. However, even the white lettering kind of works with the superb design. While it might not be the best jersey of the season, it certainly is the one that most would likely wear to a night out at the pub, the store, or anywhere outside the stadium.

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